Leak Test

Customised design fixture to ensure maximum sealing of test part while leak test
Fast and efficient with automatic test process
Non operator dependant to eliminate human error
Auto-calibration with reference leak traceable to international standard
Fast and efficient with automatic test process
Non operator dependant to eliminate human error
Auto-calibration with reference leak traceable to international standard
Automatic during the process cycle
Very sensitive
Reject set point at 1E-7 mbar.l/s
Minimize operating cost
Reduce dependancy on fluctuations in Helium supply on the world market
Standalone system
Compliance with environmental regulations
Fully automated
High recovery rate up to 95%
Easy to maintain
Vacuum decay system to check the product leak

Helium bombing is part of the leak test process for hermetically sealed components which have an internal cavity like transistors, diodes or small relays. These parts are placed in a chamber containing pressurized helium, allowing the helium to penetrate the parts. The part is then tested in a vacuum chamber connected to the leak detector.

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System to handle vacuuming, Helium charging and reclaim process for test parts.